EEX Customer Information - Adjustment of Cap for German Intraday Cap Futures

    Dear trading participants,

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is planning to adjust the cap for EEX German Intraday Cap Futures.

    EEX German Intraday Cap Futures are financially settled futures contracts with weekly maturities that allow hedging market price risk in the high-price segment of EPEX SPOT’s German
    Intraday market. EEX has defined the high-price segment as those hours of the German Intraday market whose ID3-price is above the threshold of 60 €/MWh. Due to the decreasing prices
    at EPEX SPOT’s physical markets, EEX will adjust the cap to 40 €/MWh to better reflect current market conditions.

    The change will not affect any configuration of contracts in trading or clearing systems. The final settlement will be determined relative to the adjusted cap. The change of cap will affect all
    German Intraday Cap Futures, i.e. contract codes C1B1–C1B5. The first contract settled at the new strike will be C1B1 NOV16, with first trading day 3 October, delivery from 31 October 2016
    to 6 November 2016 and final settlement on 7 November 2016.

    A fee holiday will be offered until end of September 2017.

    Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Supervision by phone +49 341 2156 222 if you have any further questions.

    Yours sincerely,

    European Energy Exchange AG
    Market Supervision
    Telefon: +49 341 2156-222
    Fax: +49 341 2156-229