Product Unit
    EEX KWK Index Price in EUR/MWh

    According to § 4 (3) of the German Cogeneration Law (KWK-Gesetz), the remuneration of cogeneration plants (KWK-Anlagen) is based on the normal price for electricity. You can find a comprehensive index description in the section Markets > Trading Resources > Indices.

    Publishing date Title File
    2024-07-02 KWK Index xls (56 KB)


    These indices are published for information purposes only. EEX AG makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the indices, including (without limitation) in relation to their availability or suitability for a certain purpose, and assumes no liability in this regard. Any use of the indices is at the own risk of the user. Entities wishing to use them as a reference for physical market activity are free to do so. Republication of these indices is only permitted with the express permission of EEX. Entities wishing to use them as the basis for financial or other derivative products will be subject to a licensing agreement with EEX AG. For more information please get in touch with

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