N°1 spot exchange for natural gas in Europe

    EEX offers natural gas contracts in 10 countries and 10 hubs across Europe. The product range covers spot, futures and options contracts for the major European gas hubs as well as trading in location spread products between these market areas. EEX also offers a Trade Registration service for JKM® LNG contracts against the S&P Platts JKM® assessment, today's most reliable price estimation for the Asian region.

    A list of market participants can be found here.

    Our Natural Gas Markets

    Natural gas market areas

    The CEGH VTP (Central European Gas Hub Virtual Trading Point) market area is located in Austria. It is a virtual trading point operated by CEGH since 2009. Tradable contracts on EEX include spot and futures instruments, ranging from intraday trading to the next 9 calendar years.
    The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MW.

    Specifications >

    CZ VTP is a cooperation between Powernext, Central European Gas Hub (CEGH) and Power Exchange Central Europe (PXE).
    Geographical spread products with TTF, GPL, NCG and CEGH VTP are also available. Tradable contracts include spot and futures instruments, ranging from Intraday trading to the next 6 calendar years.

    Specifications >

    The ETF hub is located in Denmark and operated by Energinet.dk. It was launched in 2008 by Gaspoint Nordic which integrated EEX on 1 Jan 2020. Tradable contracts include spot and futures instruments, ranging from Intraday trading to the next 6 calendar years.
    The trading unit is euro/MWh and the volume unit is MW.

    Specifications >

    The National Balancing Point (NBP) market area is located in the United Kingdom. This virtual trading point, Europe’s second most liquid gas trading zone, is operated by National Grid. Tradable NBP contracts include spot and futures instruments, ranging from intraday trading to the next 6 calendar years. The trading unit is pounds/therm and the contract volume unit is kilotherms per day.

    Specifications >

    The Punto di Scambio Virtuale (PSV), or virtual trading point, is located in Italy and operated by Snam Rete Gas. Tradable contracts on EEX include futures instruments, ranging from the next 3 months to the next  6 calendar years. The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MW.

    Specifications >

    Located in France, the PEG hub is operated by GRTgaz. It is the result of the merger between PEG Nord and TRS. Tradable PEG contracts include futures instruments, trading up to the next 6 calendar years. The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MWh/day.

    Specifications >

    PVB is the natural gas virtual balancing point in Spain, operated by ENAGAS GTS. Tradable PVB contracts on PEGAS include spot and futures instruments, ranging from intraday to the next 6 calendar years. The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MWh/day.

    Specifications >

    Trading Hub Europe (THE) came about through the merger of the former market area managers GASPOOL Balancing Services GmbH and NetConnect Germany. THE’s main areas of business include balancing group management, operation of the Virtual Trading Points, and system balancing. Tradable contracts include spot and futures instruments, ranging from Intraday trading to the next 9 calendar years.

    Specifications >

    The virtual trading TTF (Title Transfer Facility) is located in the Netherlands and operated by Gasunie Transport Services since 2003. This virtual trading point is considered Europe’s most liquid market. Tradable TTF contracts on EEX include spot, futures, and options instruments, ranging from intraday to the next 9 calendar years.
    The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MW.

    Specifications >

    Zeebrugge Trading Point (ZTP) is the newer virtual gas trading point in Belgium, operated by Fluxys since 2012. Tradable ZTP contracts on EEX include spot and futures instruments, ranging from Intraday trading to the next 6 calendar years. The trading unit is euro/MWh and the contract volume unit is MW.

    Specifications >

    Trading Natural Gas at EEX

    • Trading possible along the entire curve – from daily to annual contracts
    • Trading in location spreads across Europe and between 10 different hubs
    • Locally placed account managers in five major European cities
    • Cross-margining benefits for all our European natural gas markets for all contracts that are cleared by one clearing house, European Commodity Clearing (ECC)

    Gas Market Update

    EEX Group Volumes Gas Derivatives

    July 2024

    Download the presentation

    New Market Maker Scheme

    for power, gas and environmental markets


    GET Baltic

    GET Baltic is a licensed natural gas market operator for the Baltic-Finnish region with the Registered Reporting Entity (RRM) status granted by ACER.


    Key figures


    Our Team for the Natural Gas Market

    Do you have a question about the Natural Gas market?


    Trade Cancellation

    In case of trade cancellation, please call the below number (Gas Market Operations) within 5 minutes for Futures trades and 10 minutes for Spot trades. You can also reach us via mail.

    + 33 1 73 03 96 24 gas@powernext.com

    EEX TV on YouTube

    Please find videos regarding the following topics on the EEX TV Natural Gas channel:

    > Natural Gas | webinars & events

    > GasTalk

    Product Codes Download

    EEX Products (Shortcodes, WKN, ISIN, Vendor Codes, GoO) 

    Here you can find the
    EEX Product Codes