Social Responsibility
Respect, tolerance and diversity
At EEX Group, our employees at 23 worldwide locations represent over 60 different nationalities. In our daily work, we are guided by our core values, such as respect, tolerance, and diversity. As a company, we stand for an open and diverse society. We are convinced that Leipzig, Saxony, and Germany live and benefit from cosmopolitanism and international relations. Nationalism, xenophobia, and climate change denial pose real dangers to the prosperity of all of us and are not an alternative – neither for Saxony, nor for Germany or Europe. It is fundamentally contrary to our values and ultimately threatens our prosperity and well-being.
“Our business is truly international and so is our team. With employees representing over 60 nationalities, EEX Group benefits from international talents, bringing diversity and different perspectives together. This is one of the most important drivers for innovation and the growth of our company.”Peter Reitz, Chief Executive Officer at EEX

Every company has ethical and legal responsibilities within the scope of its business activities. However, companies must also assume responsibility for their wider environment.
A socially responsible company gives something back to society. EEX Group aims to live up to this claim by supporting charitable causes and while seeking to create positive social value. As EEX Group, we therefore see corporate commitment as an ongoing obligation to our shareholders, customers, our employees, and to society.
In our corporate commitment, we follow two principles - effectiveness and contribution of our strengths. We focus on selected areas, such as education, environmental sustainability, and social issues - doing it effectively and long-term.
We are committed to creating long-term impact, and we attach importance to transferability and the efficient use of resources.
We prioritise causes and projects that align with our core competencies and are linked to one of our locations to promote direct participation and draw on the commitment of our colleagues.