Information on Japanese Power Futures

    All information on Japanese Power Futures is also available in Japanese.

    To “Japanese Power Futures” In Japanese

    Fraud Warning

    It has come to our attention that there have been a number of fake websites and direct attempts by individuals posing as EEX representatives to solicit cash payments in exchange for CO2 quotas in Japan. Please note that EEX does not engage in cash settlement and we only request wire transfer as part of a subscription for paid services provided by EEX Group. In addition, EEX only admits legal entities as trading participants at its markets and does not engage with individuals directly. Please always be vigilant when engaging with unsolicited calls offering investment opportunities.



    EEX Japanese Power Futures

    Following the market launch in May 2020, the EEX Japan power product range is now firmly established as the benchmark contract in Japanese power trading, backed by the continuous support from the local trading community and international market participants.

    Since launch on 18 May 2020, a total of 54 TWh was traded in EEX Japanese Power Futures until May 2024. As of May 2024, EEX holds a market share of 96% in cleared power derivatives volume.

    On the 4th anniversary of our Japan Power operations we were delighted to open our new subsidiary in Tokyo as well as report record trading volumes, along with growing participant numbers.

    Learn more here.

    EEX Japan Power Market Update 2024 - H1

    In the first half of 2024, our Japan Power Derivatives market has seen significant expansion in terms of trading volumes and participant numbers. Watch our summary on the developments on this market.

    Publishing date Title File
    2024-08-01 EEX Japan Power Futures H1 2024 Update pdf (554 KB)
    2024-05-31 EEX Japan Power Futures 4th Anniversary event presentation | EEX日本電力先物 4周年記念イベントプレゼン資料 zip (2 MB)
    2023-11-23 Japan Power Summit panel discussions video & presentations by exchanges | ジャパンパワーサミット パネル討議動画、両取引所プレゼン資料” zip (1 MB)
    2023-10-25 EEX/Lacima Risk Management Workshop (October 2023) Presentation | 2023年10月開催EEX/Lacimaリスクマネジメントワークショッププレゼン資料 zip (3 MB)
    2023-06-20 Japan Spark Spreads - Platts S&P Global Commodity Insights (June 2023) pdf (663 KB)
    2023-06-15 New contract specification for Japan power futures | 日本電力先物 新スペック zip (1 MB)
    2023-06-07 EEX Japan Power Futures 3rd Anniversary event presentation | EEX日本電力先物 3周年記念イベント pdf (421 KB)
    2023-01-25 Jan 2023 Co-sponsored webinar presentations | 2023年1月共同セミナー資料 zip (2 MB)
    2023-01-10 Oct 2022 Traders Meeting Presentation | 2022年10月 Traders Meeting プレゼン資料 pdf (852 KB)
    2022-07-28 Change of Trade Registration Opening Times | 日本電力先物の登録時間変更のお知らせ pdf (155 KB)
    2020-09-03 Japan Power Webinar (Cascading) | カスケーディング制度解説ウェビナー pdf (2 MB)

    Basic Information

    EEX Japanese Power Futures – Basic presentation


    Contract Specification


    Peak Delivery Calendar


    Market Data

    Market Data for TOKYO

    To the data tables and charts

    Market Data for KANSAI

    To the data tables and charts

    Weekly trading volume update

    To the downloads

    Final settlement prices

    To the Customer Information

    EEX Group Touchpoint

    to EEX Group Touchpoint

    Building Markets Together

    Watch the videos on the fundamentals behind Japan Power, the status quo and the future outlook from our conference in association with Reuters in January 2021.

    To the conference page


    Japan | 日本

    Bob Takai | 高井 裕之


    Singapore | シンガポール

    Miyoshi Nishimura

    +65 8809 4260

    Europe | ヨーロッパ

    Steffen Riediger

    +49 341 2156-528

    Press | 広報

    Eileen Hieke

    +49 341 2156-300