China Carbon
Chinese Carbon Market
Based on the experiences of emissions trading schemes (ETS) on sub-national level for many years, China has started the operation of a national ETS in 2021. The national ETS covers more than four billion tCO2 from the power sector (approx. 40% of national emissions) and is expected to be a key policy instrument to achieve the country’s climate ambition. The scheme is set to be further developed over time, for instance, be rolled out into other industry sectors over time and introducing additional trading instruments such as carbon derivatives.
EEX has been actively supporting the development of the Chinese carbon market in collaboration with local partners.
- China Beijing Environment Exchange (CBEEX)
- China Emissions Exchange Guangzhou (CEEX)
- Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange (SEEE)
EEX has also been engaged in various capacity-building activities in China for many years. This involves, in particular, the establishment of the necessary trading infrastructure.