French Auctions for Guarantees of Origin

    All information on French Auctions for Guarantees of Origin are also available in French.

    To "Enchères des Garanties d'Origine"

    In August 2018, the French Minister for an Ecological and Solidary Transition appointed Powernext, now integrated into EEX, to organize the auctioning of Guarantees of Origin produced by the plants benefiting from a support mechanism. The State is the sole seller during these auctions

    Overall presentation of the auctions

    Auctions allow the purchase of Guarantees of Origin from production facilities benefiting from a support mechanism. These power plants are registered on the account of the French Climate Authority (DGEC). Only the DGEC can request the issuance of Guarantees of Origin and decide on their auctioning. For each auction, the DGEC decides to offer part or the totality of the volume of GOs available on its account for a given production period.

    How do auctions work

    Before the auction is held, EEX publishes the exhaustive list of the Guarantees of Origin issued by the State and available for purchase via the auction on the dedicated platform.

    Participants registered with Powernext and ECC to participate in the auction then have a period of 7 days to submit their orders and adjust their trading limits. At the latest 2 days after the auction, the results are published and the payment and delivery of the Guarantees of Origin are made.

    Calendar of the auctions

    Please find below the calendar of the next French auctions for Guarantees of Origin. 

    Since May 2020 and upon the DGEC's request, the floor price has been communicated to participants ahead of each auction.

    Calendar 2024
    Opening of Order Book Closure of Order Book Modification of cash trading limits Order Matching
    Auctioning month
    Production month

    10:00 AM

    10:00 AM

    4:00 PM

    12:00 AM
    January 2024 October 2023 1/10/2024 1/17/2024 1/16/2024 1/17/2024
    February 2024 November 2023 2/14/2024 2/21/2024 2/20/2024 2/21/2024
    March 2024 December 2023 3/13/2024 3/20/2024 3/19/2024 3/20/2024
    April 2024 January 2024 4/10/2024 4/17/2024 4/16/2024 4/17/2024
    May 2024 February 2024 5/9/2024 5/15/2024 5/14/2024 5/15/2024
    June 2024 March 2024 6/12/2024 6/19/2024 6/18/2024 6/19/2024
    July 2024 April 2024 7/10/2024 7/17/2024 7/16/2024 7/17/2024
    August 2024 May 2024 8/14/2024 8/21/2024 8/20/2024 8/21/2024
    September 2024 June 2024 9/11/2024 9/18/2024 9/17/2024 9/18/2024

    Access to auctions

    Participation in the auction will be open to any company that meets – among others – the following criteria:

    • Be an account holder on the registry of GO operated by EEX
    • Accept the GO Auction General Terms and Conditions and adhere to the corresponding Access Agreement
    • Be a member of ECC and sign a clearing contract (several clearing models will be proposed).
    • Pay the annual auction registration fee


    Guarantees of Origin - FAQ

    Publishing date Title File
    2020-10-12 Guarantees of Origin Registry - FAQ (English) pdf (241 KB)
    2020-10-12 Guarantees of Origin Registry FAQ (French) pdf (257 KB)


    Each month, EEX publishes the latest auctions results. 

    The reserve price for the July auctions is: 0,15 €/MWh.

    April 2024


    Volume Offered - MWh

    Volume allocated - MWh

    Weighted Average Price - €/MWh


                                     308,472                                    308,472   €                                                     0.86


                                     228,489                                    228,489   €                                                     0.85


                                     151,345                                  151,345    €                                                     0.86

    Centre-Val de Loire

                                     221,025                                   221,025   €                                                     0.84

    Grand Est

                                     660,081                                  660,081   €                                                     0.85


                                      923,276                                 923,276  €                                                     0.82


                                        49,238                                     49,238  €                                                     0.85


                                     167,548                                 167,548  €                                                     0.81


                                     541,623                                 541,623   €                                                     0.81


                                     500,302                                    500,301    €                                                     0.81

    Pays de la Loire

                                     180,959                                   180,959   €                                                     0.81

    Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

                                     249,491                                 249,491  €                                                     0.80


    April 2024
    Technology Volume Offered - MWh Volume allocated - MWh Weighted Average Price - €/MWh
    Wind                                                        2,613,222                                                                                 2,613,221     €                                                     0.83
    Hydro                                                           323,600                                                                                   323,600    €                                                     0.82
    Solar                                                           947,516                                                                                    947,516  €                                                     0.82
    Thermal                                                           297,511                                                                                  297,511    €                                                     0.81

    Account Holders

    to the account holders

    Guarantees of Origin Data

    Download the latest results

    GOs auctions in 2022

    Download the calendar

    Guarantees of Origin Data

    Publishing date Title File
    2024-07-17 GO 2024 Global Results zip (356 KB)
    2024-04-23 GO 2019-2023 Global Results zip (4 MB)
    2023-03-07 EEX Customer Information – Double enchère pour Mars 2023 pdf (100 KB)
    2021-11-24 Cahier Des Charges mise aux enchères GO - approuvé (FR) pdf (9 MB)
    2021-11-24 EEX Enchères de Garanties d’Origine françaises – Conditions Générales (FR) pdf (550 KB)
    2021-11-24 EEX French Guarantees of Origin Auction General Terms and Conditions (EN) pdf (516 KB)

    Consumer information

    The public information provided by EEX aims to inform consumers of the origins of their renewable energy. 

    For more details, click here.