EEX AG provides the possibility for companies to retrieve data and to onward distribute the data in raw or derived form. This External Usage may for example take the form of a newsletter, a price ticker on a website and the integration of EEX data in a digital solution.


    Different licenses are offered covering different use cases in terms of external usage:

    Commercial Usage

    • A Commercial Usage is the onward dissemination to a third party, in raw or in derived form, for their exclusive Internal Usage
    • Usual use cases are newsletters, digital solutions, consultancies, customer portals etc.


    Media Usage

    • A Media Usage license allows our customers to disseminate the EEX data publicly in raw form only.
    • Usual use cases are price tickers on a public website or a promotional document


    Scientific Usage

    • Use of the EEX data by an academic establishment for its scientific and educational project.
    • Usual use cases are seminars, conferences, scientific papers…


    The fees for licensing EEX data depend on

    (i) the type of usage (see above) and

    (ii) in the case of Commercial Usage, on the number of Subscribers.

    Until 100 Subscribers, the fee will gradually increase with the number of its Subscribers. From 100 Subscribers on, the vendor is granted a flat fee for an onward dissemination to an unlimited number of subscribers.


    EEX is committed to providing you with the best service for your needs.

    As of Section 4.2.3 of the General Conditions or, as of Section 12 of the Contract Regarding the User and Passing on of EEX Info-Products (Info-Vendor Contracts) you are obliged to inform EEX AG once a year of the manner in which, and the extent to which (number of Subscribers, if any), the Licensed EEX Group DataSource Products are used.

    Please fulfill your reporting obligations for external usage until 31 August 2024 here.

    Please note that the Remuneration in 2025 will be set according to the report provided (see General Conditions Section 4.2.2).


    General conditions

    Please find below the General conditions applicable to EEX Group DataSource products.

    To the General Conditions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have any questions regarding Market Data Vendors?

    Read the FAQs


    Market Data Services

    +49 341 2156-288


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