EEX Press Release - EEX sets new H1 volume record in Dry Freight

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has set a new all time record in Dry Freight, achieving a 42% uplift in volume for the first half of 2021. In the period January to June 2021, a total volume of 598,300 lots were traded (H1 2020: 422,244 lots) which is the highest volume ever recorded in a 6 month period,
    since launching the business in 2016.

    The new H1 record follows an 18 month period of sustained organic growth for EEX’ Dry Freight business, which has seen the exchange also gain the majority share of Open Interest in the combined Dry Freight market worldwide.

    In addition to consistent increases in volume, the past 6 months have seen a number of new innovations being launched from the EEX Freight team. In April, a new suite of Handysize contracts were launched which enable customers to clear Forward Freight Agreement (FFA) trades for the 38,000 Handysize Time Charter basket of routes, with EEX holding 62% of the Open Interest as of June 2021.

    Furthermore, earlier this month, the exchange also launched its new Zero Carbon Freight Index (ZCFI) – which is a “first of its kind” info product. By referencing the ZCFI, players in the Dry Freight market can now see, for the first time, how the cost of carbon emissions could affect freight prices.

    Peter Reitz, EEX CEO comments: “I’m incredibly proud of what we have achieved in Dry Freight and particularly so over the past 6 months. In addition to significantly increasing our volumes, through our recently launched Zero Carbon Freight Index, we are actively helping the shipping industry manage its transition to a decarbonized and more sustainable future”

    For the full overview of EEX Group’s volumes in the first half of 2021, please click here

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange which develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and commodity products around the globe. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, it offers contracts on Power, Natural Gas and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products. EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for Guarantees of Origin, on behalf of the French State. More information: 

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