EEX Press Release - EEX trading results for August 2018

    EEX achieve major volume increases in Power and Emissions

    In August 2018, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) increased volumes on its power derivatives markets by 52% to 271.3 TWh (August 2017: 178.9 TWh). In the Phelix products for Germany, Austria and Germany/Austria, volumes increased by 44% to 153.2 TWh (August 2017: 106.1 TWh). Also on the markets for France (24.7 TWh, +18%), Italy (40.3 TWh, +34%) and the Netherlands (1.3 TWh, +14%), EEX achieved clear double-digit growth. Options markets contributed 36.3 TWh to the total volume (August 2017: 10.8 TWh).

    The August volume comprised 163.2 TWh traded at EEX via Trade Registration with subsequent clearing. Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions was executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC).

    Emission Allowances
    On the EEX markets for emission allowances, the total trading volume almost tripled to 252.1 million tonnes of CO2 in August (August 2017: 85.7 million tonnes of CO2). In particular, EEX recorded significant growth on the derivatives market. For the first time, trading volumes in EUA Options accounted for more than half of the total emissions volume (129.9 million tonnes of CO2). Volumes in EUA Futures doubled to 72.3 million tonnes of CO2 (August 2017: 36.8 million tonnes of CO2). Primary market auctions contributed 39.7 million tonnes of CO2 to the total volume.

    Agricultural Products
    Throughout August, trading volumes in agricultural products increased by 8% to 6,257 contracts (August 2017: 5,773 contracts). In the dairy segment which also covers the new Liquid Milk Future which EEX started in August, the volume reached 2,146 contracts (equal to 10,750 tonnes). In processing potatoes, volumes amounted to 4,111 contracts (equal to 102,775 tonnes).

    Global Commodities
    In freight futures which are available for trade registration, EEX volumes amounted to 880 contracts (August 2017: 3,025 contracts).

    New Participants
    In August, EEX recognised Enterprise Commodity Services Ltd, London as new Non-Trading Broker. The membership of Goldman Sachs International, London was extended to trading on the spot market for emission allowances. In Commodities A/S, Aarhus (Denmark) was additionally admitted for UK Power Futures.

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe which develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and related products. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EEX offers contracts on Power and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products. EEX is part of Deutsche Börse Group.