EEX Press Release - EEX trading results for May 2018

    EEX achieves monthly record in Phelix-DE Futures and EUA

    In May 2018, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) increased volumes on its power derivatives markets by 23% to 306.9 TWh (May 2017: 248.7 TWh) which is the highest volume since March 2017. In the benchmark product for European power trading, the Phelix-DE Future, EEX achieved new monthly record of 170.4 TWh. Furthermore, EEX was able to significantly increase volumes in its markets for Italy (58.4 TWh, +60%), Spain (9.7 TWh, +52%) and the Netherlands (3.2 TWh, +283%). Volumes on the options markets have tripled as against the previous year to 31.7 TWh (May 2017: 10.3 TWh).

    The May volume comprised 191.7 TWh traded at EEX via Trade Registration with subsequent clearing. Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions was executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC).

    Emission Allowances
    On the EEX markets for emission allowances, the total trading volume more than quadrupled to 477.8 million tonnes of CO2 in May (May 2017: 105.1 million tonnes of CO2). On the EUA secondary market (Spot and Derivatives), EEX achieved a new record volume of 204.8 million tonnes of CO2. Also trading in EUA options reached a new peak of 214.0 million tonnes of CO2. Primary market auctions contributed 59.0 million tonnes of CO2 to the total volume.

    Agricultural Products
    Throughout May, a total of 4,423 contracts was traded in agricultural products (May 2017: 5,445 contracts). In the dairy segment, the volume reached 1,409 contracts (equal to 7,045 tonnes). In processing potatoes, a volume of 3,014 contracts (equal to 75,350 tonnes) was traded.

    Global Commodities
    In freight futures which are available for trade registration, EEX volumes amounted to 1,435 contracts (May 2017: 5,245 contracts).

    New Participants
    During the month, EEX admitted further participants on its emissions market. The membership of TFS Derivatives Ltd., London was extended to trading on the spot market, MND a.s., Hodonin (Czech Republic) was additionally admitted to trading on the derivatives market as well as Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Bratislava for spot and derivatives trading. Furthermore, the non-trading broker SSY Futures Ltd, London was additionally recognised on the market for wood pellets.

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe which develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and related products. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EEX offers contracts on Power and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products. EEX is part of Deutsche Börse Group.