- The total volume on the global power markets of EEX Group continued the rising trend and increased to a total of 761 TWh in June 2023. This is an additional 112.1 TWh compared to the previous month and an increase of 60% compared to June 2022.
- On the EPEX SPOT market, the total volume increased to 58.2 TWh, from 56.9 TWh in May 2023.
- Several records were set on the EEX futures markets: German power futures reached an all-time high of 399.1 TWh, and Italian power futures also peaked at 47.5 TWh.
- Both trading in Japanese (+6%) and Swiss power futures (+209%) increased - compared to the same month of the previous year. The new power products with short-term maturities for the Japanese power markets and the Swiss power futures for peak hours, which were introduced by EEX at the end of June, also contributed to these figures with first trades done in the first week of availability.
- On the futures market of Nodal Exchange, trading declined slightly and amounted to 169 TWh in June.
Natural Gas
- The volume on the European EEX natural gas spot markets slightly grew compared to the prior month to a total of 242.1 TWh, and the gas futures markets also developed positively to a cumulative volume of 361.9 TWh.
- On the gas futures markets, EEX registered growth in Dutch (+59%), German (+34%) and French (+179%) gas futures.
- The newly added Baltic-Finnish gas products traded on the GET Baltic exchange are included in the volume report for the first time. In June, the trading volume on this exchange was 476.3 GWh in the sport markets and 3.7 GWh in futures.
- Nodal Exchange's gas futures markets reached a total volume of 11.7 TWh, up 166% from May 2023 and 66% from June 2022.
Environmental Products
- Trading in environmental products on the European markets was at a similarly high level to June 2022, with a total of just over 81,000 contracts, up 19% on the previous month.
- On Nodal's markets, the number of contracts traded was 2% higher than the same time last year.
- On the freight markets, trading volumes rose by 49% compared to the same month last year.
Agricultural Products
- In June, the volume of traded agricultural products decreased by 8% compared to June 2022. however with 4,200 contracts it is significantly higher than the previous month (~2,000).
Please find the full report attached as well as on our Website.
EEX Group builds secure, successful and sustainable commodity markets worldwide – together with its customers. The group offers trading in power, natural gas, environmental products, freight and agriculturals as well as subsequent clearing and registry services, connecting a network of more than 800 trading participants. EEX Group consists of European Energy Exchange (EEX), EPEX SPOT, EEX Asia, Power Exchange Central Europe (PXE), Get Baltic Exchange and Nodal Exchange as well as the registry provider Grexel Systems and software companies KB Tech and Lacima. Clearing is provided by EEX Group’s clearing houses European Commodity Clearing (ECC) and Nodal Clear. EEX Group is part of Deutsche Börse Group. More information: www.eex-group.com
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