Datum | Titel | Datei |
Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf für ein Gesetz zur Änderung des Windenergieauf- See-Gesetzes und anderer VorschriftenDie EEX hat sich an der schriftlichen Anhörung des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums (BMWi) zu dem Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des… |
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EEX Group response to Public consultation on the review of the MiFID II / MiFIR regulatory frameworkEEX responded to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of the MiFID II / MiFIR regulatory framework. |
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EEX Response to the ACER Consultation on the TSOs Proposal of a Methodology for the Bidding Zones ReviewEEX responded to the ACER consultation on the TSOs proposal of a methodology for the Bidding Zones Review.
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EEX response to the consultation on a carbon border adjustment mechanismEEX responded to the European Commission’s consultation on a roadmap for a directive on a carbon border adjustment mechanism. |
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EEX and EPEX SPOT take part in public consultation on ARENH reformEEX and EPEX SPOT welcome the public consultation on the reform of the ARENH mechanism, the regulated access to incumbent nuclear electricity in… |
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EEX response to the Climate Law Roadmap consultationEEX responded to the public consultation the European Commission launched on the Climate Law Roadmap. EEX is grateful for the opportunity to… |
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EPEX SPOT und EEX nehmen an der Anhörung der Bundesnetzagentur zur Blockchain-Technologie teilEPEX Spot und EEX beteiligen sich mit einer gemeinsame Stellungnahme an der Anhörung der Bundesnetzagentur zu den Potenzialen der… |
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EEX Group shares its views on the MiFID II position limits regimeIn response to a public consultation from ESMA, EEX Group has shared its views on the MiFID II position limits regime. |
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