Affected commodity:
- Natural Gas Spot
Issue description:
- Missing contracts in gas spot files for the delivery periods:
- 26.12.2020
- 27.12.2020
- Weekend (25., 26., 27., 28.12.2020)
- All hubs affected
Affected date:
- 23.12.2020
Affected files and paths:
- /market_data/natgas/XXX/spot/csv/2020/20201223/GasSpotMarketResults_XXX_20201223.csv
- /maker_data/natgas/XXX/spot/xls/2020/GasSpotHistory_XXX_2020.xls
Our sincere apologies for any caused inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.