Date Title File

    EEX response to the consultation on a carbon border adjustment mechanism

    EEX responded to the European Commission’s consultation on a roadmap for a directive on a carbon border adjustment mechanism.

    pdf 310 KB

    Data Alert - Solved: Missing Transparency Data

    Data Alert - Missing Transparency Data

    Data Alert - EEX EUA Primary Auction Spot delayed

    Data Alert - solved: EEX EUA Primary Auction Spot delayed on 30/03/2020

    Data Alert - Incorrect time stamps in Gas-Spot data

    EEX and EPEX SPOT take part in public consultation on ARENH reform

    EEX and EPEX SPOT welcome the public consultation on the reform of the ARENH mechanism, the regulated access to incumbent nuclear electricity in…

    pdf 517 KB

    Action Required - Availability of Agricultural Derivatives XLSX Files on EEX Group DataSource sFTP Server

    The following End-of-day (EOD) data for agricultural derivatives is now available in annual XLSX formatted files on the sFTP server…

    EEX Group Press Release – EEX Group and Nasdaq Futures, Inc. (NFX) successfully complete transfer of Freight business

    EEX Group has successfully completed the migration of Freight Open Interest from Nasdaq Futures, Inc. (NFX) to European Commodity Clearing (ECC), EEX…

    pdf 142 KB

    Action Required - Availability of Ferrous Metals Futures XLSX file on EEX Group DataSource sFTP server

    End-of-day (EOD) data for Ferrous Metals Futures is now available in annual XLSX formatted files on the sFTP server

    Eileen Hieke

    Senior Public Relations Officer

    +49 341 2156 – 300

    Agnes Stephens

    Senior Public Relations Officer

    +44 207 862-72 24

    EEX Group News

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