Action Required - Backend Upgrade Of EEX DataSource sFTP

    On 2 September 2023 EEX will perform an upgrade to the backend of the DataSource sFTP. The service will be available during the update.

    After the upgrade, a dialog box "Host key mismatch" will appear. Please select "OK" to continue.
    We would also suggest to select the "Update cached key for this host" option to permanently store the new key on your local machine. This will prevent them from seeing this dialog box in the future.
    If you hit "Cancel", you will be disconnected from the system. Upon the next connection attempt, you will simply be presented with the same dialog box.

    No further action is required.

    If you don't want to miss any updates on our sFTP server, we also recommend using our free RSS-monitoring tool. You can find more information about our RSS-monitoring tool here.

    Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Market Data Services
    P +49 341 2156-288