Leipzig, 7 October 2024 – The Supervisory Board of European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) has adopted structural changes to the Management Board in order to better leverage existing synergies between the customer-centered departments of EEX and the European Commodity Clearing (ECC).
Steffen Köhler’s mandate as Management Board Member has been extended for further five years, until February 2030, and from 1 March 2025, he will take over the newly created role of Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). Furthermore, Götz Dittrich, current COO of ECC, will additionally take on the role of COO of EEX, and join the extended EEX Management Board.
In line with the new structure, responsibilities have been re-evaluated and appropriately divided between the new roles in order to further improve customer experience.
Thomas Book, Chairman of the EEX Supervisory Board, comments: “The new Management Board setup will allow both EEX and ECC to put even more focus on what’s most important for us, our customers, while increasing efficiency between the operation of the two entities. We are delighted to welcome Götz to the EEX Management Board and look forward to continue building markets with the strengthened team.”
Steffen Köhler has been COO of EEX since 2012, while Götz Dittrich joined ECC initially as Director Clearing & Settlement of ECC in 2013, and became a member of the ECC Management Board in 2019.
The proposed changes have already been approved by the relevant authorities.
For an overview of the EEX and ECC Management Boards, please visit our website:
EEX Management Board
ECC Management Board
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is a leading energy exchange which builds secure, successful and sustainable commodity markets worldwide – together with its customers. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EEX offers contracts on Power, Natural Gas and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products. EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for Guarantees of Origin, on behalf of the French State.
European Commodity Clearing (ECC) is a central clearing house which specialises in energy and commodity products. ECC assumes the counterparty risk and guarantees the physical and financial settlement of transactions, providing security and cross-margining benefits for its customers. As part of EEX Group, ECC provides clearing services for EEX, EEX Asia and EPEX SPOT and for the partner exchanges BSP, HUPX, HUDEX, NOREXECO, SEEPEX and SEMOpx.
EEX/ECC Public Relations
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presse@eex.com | www.eex.com