Affected commodity:
- Japanese Power Futures
Issue description:
- Wrong trades published for trading days 17./18.06.2020 in the csv formatted file.
- Missing Open Interest volume in xlsx formatted file.
Afftected date:
- 17./18.06.2020
Affected applications:
- EEX Group DataSource sFTP
Affected paths and files:
- market_data/power/jp/derivatives/csv/20200617/PowerFutureResults_JP_Tokyo_20200617.csv
- market_data/power/jp/derivatives/csv/20200618/PowerFutureResults_JP_Tokyo_20200618.csv
- market_data/power/jp/derivatives/xls/2020/PowerFutureHistory_JP_Tokyo_2020.xlsx
Our sincere apologies for any caused inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.