Respect, tolerance and diversity

    At EEX Group, our 1,100 employees at 21 worldwide locations represent 61 different nationalities. In our daily work, we are guided by our core values, such as respect, tolerance, and diversity. As a company, we stand for an open and diverse society. We are convinced that Leipzig, Saxony and Germany live and benefit from cosmopolitanism and international relations. Nationalism, xenophobia and climate change denial pose real dangers to the prosperity of all of us and are not an alternative – neither for Saxony, nor for Germany or Europe. It is fundamentally contrary to our values and ultimately threatens our prosperity and well-being.

    “Our business is truly international and so is our team. With employees representing over 60 nationalities, EEX Group benefits from international talents, bringing diversity and different perspectives together. This is one of the most important drivers for innovation and the growth of our company.”

    Peter Reitz, Chief Executive Officer at EEX

    Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen

    EEX is a member of the association Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.

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    Responsible, environmentally and resource-friendly management

    EEX relies on responsible corporate management. This includes a sustainable and long-term human resources policy as well as the protection of the environment and resources within the scope of our work. Strengthening the compatibility of work and private responsibilities and promoting the further personal development of our employees are of great importance to us. 


    “Good corporate citizen”: Social commitment

    We actively support charitable initiatives and associations dedicated to education, sustainability, the environment and social concerns. In line with the slogan “Think globally, act locally”, the focus is on the sites at which EEX operates. In addition, we advocate the promotion of education and science relating to the energy market and energy-related subjects. In this respect, EEX also presents the EEX Group Excellence Award for outstanding academic theses dealing with current political, regulatory, technical or economic questions in the fields of energy and agricultural products as well as exchange trading of both. Learn more about our Sustainability initiatives at EEX Group here.

    Our responsibility

    Building sustainable markets, together. 

    Watch CEO Peter Reitz's statement on sustainability at EEX Group here.

    Social commitment makes a decisive contribution to the sustainable design and promotion of society. On the one hand, this creates a direct benefit for society through the support for organisations and institutions promoting common welfare. In addition, it is also a form of democracy in which individual people and companies support a project, which would otherwise not be supported or receive only a little support by the state, in line with their interests and values. As a result, these supporters can make a decisive contribution to society. Furthermore, social commitment also contributes to the resolution or alleviation of social problems and grievances. 

    Support for charitable projects 

    We support projects and associations that integrate underprivileged children and young adults into society, increase their quality of life and give them perspectives for a route to a better future. We consider it to be our responsibility to promote equal opportunities and social justice by supporting these projects and we are convinced that our commitment within society is a necessary addition to the measures undertaken by the government. Society as a whole can only work, and be sustainably improved, through measures such as these. 

    Internal fundraising campaigns 

    We also offer our employees a platform for private social commitment. We arrange fundraising campaigns and inform our employees of how they can make a personal contribution several times a year. 

    During the Christmas season, we support Leipzig children’s homes, with one of our employees’ favorite projects called Christmas wish tree. In cooperation with social institutions, we’ve been fulfilling children's wishes for Christmas for several years now. Our employees can take a child’s wish and fulfil it. Every year this campaign is met with an overwhelming response from within the company and in many cases, families and friends of colleagues also join in. 


    As a global company, employees of different gender and gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity work within the EEX Group. Our goal was and still is to strengthen the appreciation, recognition and inclusion of diversity within EEX Group. We want every colleague to be equally valued and supported. Over the last year, we did several campaigns regarding the topics of Diversity & Inclusion. 

    This is an ongoing process, that every individual colleague should be working on day by day. For this process it is important to stay open-minded, learn from each other and appreciate the people around us. Together we follow the path of Diversity and share our experiences and perspectives within EEX Group. In 2019, we signed the “Charta of Diversity”, an initiative to promote Diversity and Inclusion within the working environment in companies. 

    One important aspect of respect (one of our EEX Group values) is to make every colleague feel equally valued and supported. But how can we further strengthen the appreciation, recognition and inclusion of our diversity within our group, and how can we create a safe working environment for everyone? We try to answer these questions together with Svea Michel and Stefan Kowanda – both part of the LGBTQAI+ community - in a special interview which you can find here on our LinkedIn channel.  

    EEX Group Excellence Award 

    Since 2011, EEX honours scientific papers or theses that deal with current political, regulatory, technical or economic questions in the fields of energy and agricultural products as well as exchange trading of both. Moreover, the focus can also be on subjects of sustainability. The award includes a prize of EUR 1,000 for each of the winners and the opportunity to attend the EEX Exchange Trader Course free of charge. 

    Get more information about the > EEX Group Excellence Award