Affected Commodity:
- EEX Transparency Data Power
Issue Description:
- The issue is now solved and we kindly ask you to reload the data.
- EEX Transparency Platform was experiencing a background task issue. This resulted in missing time series data within all applications and for all countries. Data for non-usability was not affected.
- 09 Feb 2024
Affected Applications:
- EEX Group DataSource API
- EEX Group DataSource sFTP
- EEX Group DataSource Desktop App
- EEX Transparency Website
Affected Files and Paths:
- /transparency_data/power/csv/xy/consumption/usage/ex_ante/2024...
- /transparency_data/power/csv/xy/production/usage/ex_ante/2024...
- /transparency_data/power/csv/xy/production/usage_solar/ex_ante/2024...
- /transparency_data/power/csv/xy/production/usage_wind/ex_ante/2024...
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Market Data Services
P +49 341 2156-288