Affected commodity:
- Power Options
Issue Description:
- Files for Phelix DE/AT Options of trading day 15 April 2020 are now available.
- Due to delisting of the EEX German/Austrian Year Power Base Year Options (O1BY), EEX stops providing of CSV formatted files for the Phelix DE/AT Options as of today. No further files will be generated.
Affected Date:
- 15/04/2020
Affected applications:
- EEX Group SFTP
Affected paths and files:
- /market_data/power/de/derivatives/csv/2020/20200415/PowerOptionResults_DEAT_20200415.csv
- /market_data/power/at/derivatives/csv/2020/20200415/PowerOptionResults_DEAT_20200415.csv
Our sincere apologies for any caused inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact EEX Market Data Services by phone +49 341 2156 288 if you have any further questions.