Dear customers,
We are pleased to inform you about the extension of our fundamental data offering for EEX Transparency Data. As of now, we offer hourly calculated and aggregated data on the available and non-usable capacity for German power production units.
Going forward, this data will be provided exclusively via our EEX Transparency Data Power (API, RT). This will also include CSV format for your convenience.
New Symbols in EEX Transparency Data Power API
- ExAnteInformationAvailableCapacityPowerHourly
- ExAnteInformationNonUsableCapacityPowerHourly
How to order
All existing subscriptions have already access to the new data sets. If you would like to order EEX Transparency Data Power (API, RT), find the product in our EEX Group webshop:
Should you need a licence to disseminate the data to third parties or affiliated companies, please contact us.
Make informed trading decisions with more granular data for EEX Transparency Data Power
With the extension of granularity of data for Available and Non-Usable Capacity in our EEX Transparency API, we are responding to our customers' demands. The intraday fluctuations in power plant availability are of great interest for informed trading decisions. Previously, the calculated values were only available on a daily basis.
Initially, the data will only be available for German power production units. We look forward to your feedback and will be happy to add more countries in the future.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Market Data Services
P +49 341 2156-288