
    EEX Pressemitteilung - EEX registriert erstes Geschäft in EUAOptionen

    Leipzig, 28 November 2016. The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has registered its first trade in EUA options. The trade was registered in the December 2016 expiry period with a volume of 250,000 EUAs. The trade was conducted by CEZ a.s. and another counterparty on 25th November and was registered through brokerage firm Evolution Markets Ltd.

    Having launched in mid-October this year, the EUA options contracts are available for the current and the next eight December expiries.

    Steffen Köhler, Chief Operating Officer of EEX comments: “The introduction of options adds further weight to EEX’s emissions offering. The new contracts will help our clients to limit risks and to enhance their hedging strategies.”

    In addition to option contracts, EEX has also added four maturities in EUA futures beyond 2020, thereby, as the first exchange, extending into the 4th trading period of the EU ETS.

    From January until October 2016 a volume of 207.6 million tonnes of CO2 was traded on EEX’s secondary emissions market, representing almost a 200% increase on the same period in 2015 (Jan-Oct 2015: 70.8 million tonnes of CO2).

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe. It develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and commodity products. At EEX, contracts on Power, Coal and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products are traded or registered for clearing. Alongside EEX, EPEX SPOT, Powernext, Cleartrade Exchange (CLTX), Gaspoint
    Nordic and Power Exchange Central Europe (PXE) are also part of EEX Group. Clearing and settlement of trading transactions are provided by the clearing house European Commodity Clearing (ECC). More information:

    European Energy Exchange AG

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