
    EEX Pressemitteilung - EEX erhält Zuschlag als europaweite Auktionsplattform für Emissionsrechte

    Leipzig, 15 July 2016. The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is pleased to announce ts re-appointment as common auction platform for CO2 emission allowances, following the completion of a joint procurement procedure. The European Commission has signed a contract with EEX and its clearing house European Commodity Clearing (ECC) for running Europe-wide primary market emissions auctions on behalf of 25 participating Member States for another period of up to 5 years.

    “We are very pleased to continue our services for the European Commission and the participating EU Member States”, says Peter Reitz, Chief Executive Officer of EEX. “The new contract testifies to the role of EEX as an established and reliable partner for auctioning emission allowances in Europe.”

    The last auction under the previous contract is scheduled for Thursday 18 August and the start of the auctions under the new contract is scheduled for Monday, 5 September. The auctions tentatively planned in the published auction calendar between 22 August and 1 September will accordingly not take place and the respective volumes will be distributed over the remaining auctions of 2016. The total volumes of general and aviation allowances to be auctioned in 2016 remain unchanged.

    As Poland currently uses the common auction platform, pending the appointment of its own platform, the continuation of the Polish auctions is subject to the conclusion of a separate bilateral arrangement between EEX und Poland.

    EEX will publish the auction calendar, including the respective volumes, in due timebefore the start of the auctions. For further information on the auction platform please see also: ETS Regulatory Update.

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe. It develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and commodity products. At EEX, contracts on Power, Coal and Emission Allowances as well as Freight and Agricultural Products are traded or registered for clearing. Alongside EEX, EPEX SPOT, Powernext, Cleartrade Exchange (CLTX), Gaspoint
    Nordic and Power Exchange Central Europe (PXE) are also part of EEX Group. Clearing and settlement of trading transactions are provided by the clearing house European Commodity Clearing (ECC).


    European Energy Exchange AG
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